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Quick & Easy Halloween Costumes looks|Ideas de Disfraces de Último Minuto

Thursday, October 31, 2019

It’s Halloween weekend! and if you are anything like me, you still have no idea on what you’re going to wear. I know I’m going to run an hour before going out looking at what I have or wore last Halloween. On the other hand, if you are planning ahead of time and looking for ...

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Rose Water | Agua de Rosas

Thursday, April 4, 2019

If you’ve been following me for a while, I’m sure you’ve noticed that rose water is my favorite beauty product. That's right, I use this product on my skincare routine, hair care and my daily beauty routine. For this reason, I decided to share a little bit more about it with you. I always heard some ...

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4 Ways to wear a white T-Shirt | 4 Maneras de usar una franela blanca

Monday, March 25, 2019

Hey guys, I love clothing items that are super versatile, accessible and can be use with everything. This is the case of a basic white t-shirt. It is super easy to find and I feel that sometimes we take it for granted. Personally, I always need it in my closet and most importantly in my ...

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Natural Face Masks | Mascarillas Naturales

Sunday, March 3, 2019

Hey guys, One of the most frequent questions I always receive is about my skin routine and how I take care of it, so I decided to share some of the things I do with you.From an early age, my mother taught me the idea of ​​using natural ingredients to prolongate the use of creams, products ...

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Outfit: Black Jacket

Sunday, March 3, 2019

I am sure that most of us who live under a warm weather know the feeling of wanting to leave the house wearing a blanket on a rainy day or when the temperature drops a little bit, however; we know that if we leave the house completely covered, there is a possibility that when the ...

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